Thinking (very) long-term
24th September 2018
As Brexit rumbles on….and on….and on, I’ve had a few people start to express their concerns about how a bad deal might affect their investment values and ask whether there is any action that we should be taking.
I understand the concern and it’s a very natural question to ask. Of course, we want to do all we can to protect ourselves from financial harm.
One of the best ways to do this is to frame current events, and the decisions we make, in the right time-frame. And, for many of us, this is a much longer period of time than we usually imagine.
Nothing Into Something is a blog I enjoyed that explores the concept of success being largely about patience. And this is very true for investing.
“Imagine the weight you would place on your decisions if you thought about the impact they would have on you and your offspring over the next hundred years.”
We are not only investing for our own futures, but for the futures of our children and grandchildren. In that context, any potential impact of Brexit appears much less important and scary. Markets have come through depressions, world wars and all kinds of political upheavals, and staying invested and remaining calm and patient has always been the best investment strategy.